Privacy Policy

July 2019

Our games, known throughout the rest of this privacy policy as "app" or "apps", may include measuring and instrumentation data retrieval to improve apps over time. The data is only seen by Cabin Orange employees and will not be shared with third parties or any partnered companies. Data will be anonymised at source where possible. Non-anonymised data will include:

  • Device Information (UDID)

  • MAC Address

  • OS Version

This data is retrieved in order for Cabin Orange to differentiate between devices and to produce fixes or improvements to specific devices when necessary. Data is not used to identify specific individuals or organisations.  Where personally identifiable information is used, i.e. in response to emails requesting fixes, features, or targeted support permission from the email provider will be sought before any of the data is used. Data collected will not be kept longer than necessary and specific data will be deleted on the withdrawal of a related app. Data will only be passed to government agencies by Cabin Orange when issued with a legally recognised warrant.

Cabin Orange will delete any personally identifiable data upon request.